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Running the Eucalyptus Management Console on Eucalyptus with the triangle services


At Eucalyptus, we’ve leveraged the existing compute infrastructure to deploy some new services. For example, ELB and our imaging service user workers that run as instances. This is useful because the cloud administrator won’t need to configure new machines to handle these tasks. The workers can be dynamically provisioned on top of existing infrastructure and that’s what cloud is all about! The management console can be deployed on top of Eucalyptus as well. In fact, using ELB and Autoscaling, we can provide a single service endpoint for users and runs a scalable back-end. Since Eucalyptus provides RHEL/CentOS packages, I started by installing a CentOS 6 image from http://emis.eucalyptus.com/. This image included cloud-init so I can very easily provision the console on an instance with user data. Here is the cloud-init script you would supply in user data. The one value that needs to be adjusted for your install is the cloud IP address (

# vim: syntax=yaml
# This config installs the eucalyptus and epel repos, then installs and
# configures the eucaconsole package
 - [ yum, -y, install, "http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/eucalyptus/nightly/4.0/centos/6/x86_64/eucalyptus-release-4.0-0.1.el6.noarch.rpm" ]
 - [ yum, -y, install, eucaconsole ]
 - [ sed, -i, "s/localhost/", /etc/eucaconsole/console.ini ]
 - [ service, eucaconsole, restart ]

Here are some commands you can run with euca2ools to set things up. First, assume the above script is stored in a file called “console-init”

eulb-create-lb -z PARTI00,PARTI01 -l "lb-port=80, protocol=HTTP, instance-port=8888, instance-protocol=HTTP" console-lb

The cloud I used had 2 clusters shown above. I also set up port 80 on the elb to talk to port 8888 on the instances. We could also set up port 443 and SSL termination instead. Now, run eulb-describe-lbs console-lb –show-long and you’ll notice the owner-alias and group-name values. That’s the internal security group you’ll need to authorize port 8888 ingress for. What that does is indicate these instances only give access to ELB traffic on the port the console runs on. Run the euca-authorize command using the owner-alias and group-name (i.e. euca-authorize -P tcp -p 8888 -o euca-internal-276586128672-console-elb -u 641936683417 console-as-group).

euscale-create-launch-config -i emi-22536a68 -t m1.medium --group console-as-group --key dak-ssh-key --monitoring-enabled -f console-init console-launch-config

The launch config needs the CentOS 6 EMI ID. I also used an m1.medium since it uses more memory, but still a single CPU. You can certainly dedicate more resources to single instances as you see fit. Specifying an ssh key is optional unless things have gone pear-shaped.

euscale-create-auto-scaling-group -l console-launch-config -m 1 --desired-capacity 2 --max-size 4 --grace-period 300 -z PARTI00,PARTI01 --load-balancers console-lb consolegroup

The autoscaling group ties things together. After the last command runs, you should get 2 instances pending. Once those are up, eulb-describe-instance-health console-lb will show you the state of the instances from an end-user perspective. An “InService” instance can handle requests going through the ELB whereas “OutOfService” instances may still be installing/configuring per cloud-init. The grace period determines how long the scaling group waits for those to be ready. There is a lot more we could do with cloud watch data and autoscaling. For now, this setup will let you manually adjust the number of instances you dedicate to the console scaling group. You can point your browser to the ELB DNS name and see the console login screen!

Extra Credit

Let’s setup SSL termination for ELB. You either have your own certs or you could generate your own. Here are the commands to generate self-signed certs:

openssl genrsa 2048 > myssl.pem
openssl req -new -key myssl.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -in csr.pem -signkey myssl.pem -days 365 -sha512 -out myssl.crt
chmod 600 myssl.*

Now you have the key and cert you need. The csr.pem file can be discarded. Now, upload the cert

euare-servercertupload -s myssl --certificate-file myssl.crt --private-key-file myssl.pem

To get the ARN for this cert, run “euare-servercertgetattributes -s myssl”

Now, add the listener to the ELB

eulb-create-lb-listeners console-lb --listener "protocol=HTTPS,lb-port=443,instance-port=8888,instance-protocol=HTTP,cert-id=arn:aws:iam::276586128672:server-certificate/myssl"

Now you can use the console with https! To see details of the ELB, run “eulb-describe-lbs console-elb –show-long”. You might want to remove the port 80 listener. To do that, type “eulb-delete-lb-listeners -l 80 console-lb”.


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